Identity shift

“I’m terrible with directions”.
“I’m not a morning person”.
“I’m bad at remembering details”.
“I’m always late”.
“I’m not good with technology”.
“I just can’t take pills”.
“I’m horrible with math”.

I’ve said /say them all. When we repeat these stories to ourselves for years on end, it starts to become our identity. And when we believe this is who we are, we start making decisions and forming habits to do or not do things in order to stay in alignment with it. But when we want to change these habits, it’s sooooooo hard!!!!

👉🏼It starts at the core of who we BELIEVE we are.

James Clear writes: “Imagine two people resisting a cigarette. When offered a smoke, the first person says “No thanks, I’m trying to quit”. It sounds like a reasonable response, but this person still believes they are a smoker who is trying something else. They are hoping their behaviour will change while carrying around the same beliefs.

The second person declines by saying “No thanks. I’m not a smoker”. It’s a small difference, but this statement signals a shift in identity. Smoking was part of their former life, not their current one. They no longer identify as someone who smokes.”

We have to change the story of who we believe we are in order to change our habits.

The author above is perhaps unknowingly repeating what the Bible has taught us for a very long time. When we recognize our new identity as beloved, accepted and forgiven in Jesus, our old habits of fighting to be seen, feeling rejected and holding grudges have the power to be changed. ❤️ It starts with awareness and then choosing to change!

This topic is huge. But wondering if anyone has ever tried this?? Have you been able to overcome a certain self-image therefore resulting in different lifestyle habits?


Run away or……


In the Ashes