Run away or……

Bah. It’s so much easier to turn up the music, have a party or read a book rather then sit and deal with your feelings. Asking yourself - “why did I respond that way?” or being curious about that ache in your heart has potential for so much good. But here’s the thing - it can be painful. And we run and hide from pain in order to #protect ourselves.

Perhaps God is bringing you to a place where it’s time to grow. Time to face those feelings and those negative thoughts. To take them captive and replace them for the truth of who you are. And who HE is.

You are forgiven.

You have value.

Your worth is NOT equal to what you achieve.

Your looks have nothing to do with your heart.

You are created in God’s image and He loves you

HE is powerful.

HE is faithful.


Turn your thoughts and feelings towards Him. Choose to change your normal. It’s hard. It’s brave. It’s worth it.


Identity shift